Mar 9 – 15, 2025

Integral Yoga Week

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The Secret Knowledge

There is an immortal Self in man awaiting discovery.There is in him the imperishable Light, Divine splendour, immutable Ecstasy. But all these things are not on the surfaces—they are "hidden, subliminal, mystical". For the vistas of the Infinite are endless and what man achieves by way of ascent is only a promise of greater conquests.

September, 5 2022

The Future Psychology

This session explores Sri Aurobindo's thoughts on Psychology and implications for the future of Humanity.

September, 6 2022

The Gita for the Youth

This session will explore the deeper understanding of life in the light of the profound spiritual teachings of the Bhagavat Gita.

September, 7 2022

Appreciating the Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo

This session explores man’s real place in Nature and opens his eyes to the greatness of his destiny.

September, 8 2022

The Future and You

The session explores the significance of the spirit who is here in man, now a concealed divinity, a developing light & power, will descend more fully as the avatar of yet unseen and unguessed godhead from above into the soul of mankind and into the great individualities.

DR. Jayanthi Ravi IAS
September, 9 2022

Ongoing Events

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Past Events

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Week 1 Week 2



An introduction to Sri Aurobindo's social & political thought

Devdip proposes a free-range discussion of the broad outline of Sri Aurobindo's social and political philosophy especially expressed in his book The Human cycle and the ideal of human unity.


Sri Aurobindo Pariksith Singh in conversation with Malashri Lal at JLF in March 2022

Medical doctor Pariksith Singh is also a poet and philosopher. In his book, Sri Aurobindo and the Literary Renaissance of India, he has compared Sri Aurobindo with fifteen titans of philosophy, starting from the likes of Nietzche and Derrida. He calls Sri Aurobindo 'The Father of Akhanda Bharat or Undivided India'. In conversation with writer and academic Malashri Lal, Singh explores their perspectives of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and his ‘inner quest’ as articulated in his writings and life at the Jaipur Literature Festival.


Reminiscences of August 15th 1947 by Aster Patel

Aster grew up in the Ashram in the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from childhood; did her thesis on Sri Aurobindo from the Sorbonne and was asked by the Mother to join Auroville.


Talk by Lorreta on Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

As part of Sri Aurobindo's 150 Birth Centenary celebrations, The Unity Pavilion presents "To Honor Sri Aurobindo - His Realisations of Nirvana and Cosmic Consciousness" : A talk by Loretta on Wednesday, 23rd February 6:30 pm at The Hall of Peace, Unity Pavilion.



Sri Aurobindo's 5 Dreams

On 15th August 2021, auroville organized an online webinar with distinguished panelists Dr Karan Singh, Sir Mark Tully, Dr Shashi Tharoor, Ameeta Mehra and Dr Aster Patel on the relevance of the independence day message and 5 dreams of Sri Aurobindo in the context of current world.


The Yogi from the north who came to Pondicherry

Livestreamed Fundraiser to help realize a Bilingual Exhibition on Sri Aurobindo’s life and his relationship with the South. The exhibition will travel to schools and institutions in Auroville and the bio-region.


Savitri - the Cradle of Overman

Participants: Goutam Ghosal, Don Salmon, Vladimir Yatsenko


Research on the Soul of Nations and National Pavilions

Participants: Dr Ananda Reddy, Dr Soumitra Basu, Matthew Andrews